All rights reserved © David Böhm Jiří Franta 2014

David Böhm
* 25.2. 1982
lives and works in Prague, Czech republic

2003 – 2009 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, I.-III. Doc. Vladimír Skrepl, IV. doc. Vladimír Kokolia, V.-VI. doc. Vladimír Skrepl.
2006 scholarship at Faculdade de Belas Artes Universidade do Porto Portugal.
2016 – 2021 PhD program at Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, prof Vladimír Kokolia.

2018 – 2022  educator in Studio of drawing and illustration at Scholastika Prague.
since 2022 Head of the Studio Printmaking 1 at Academy of Fine Arts Prague

Jiří Franta
lives and works in Prague, Czech republic

2001 – 2007 Academy of fine arts in Prague,
I. doc. Antonín Střížek, I.- VI. doc. Vladimír Skrepl.

since 2001 member of group Rafani
2011 – 2016 assistant in Studio of painting II at FaVU Brno
2004 – 2010 founded and managed the ETC Gallery in Prague with Jiří Skála

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awards – art
Jindřich Chalupecky awards nominations 2009, 2010 and 2012
Respect magazine awards 2012
Erasmus exhibition My Neighborhood (second place), Porto, Portugal 2006

awards – books
DAM Architectural Book Award 2022 – Die stadt für alle / Město pro každého
Der Deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis – 2019 A jako Antarktida, 2014  Hlava v hlavě (nominations)
Bologna Ragazzi Award, New Horizons – 2020 Město pro každého
Bologna Children’s Book Fair – 2017 Jak se dělá galerie
Magnesia litera – 2019 A jako Antarktida, 2015 Proč obrazy nepotřebují názvy, 2014 Hlava v hlavě
Nejkrásnější kniha – 2016 Proč obrazy nepotřebují názvy (, 2013 Hlava v Hlavě, 2009 (2. place) Ticho hrocha
Czech Grand Design ilustrace roku – 2022 Město pro každého, 2020 Singl (nominations),  2017 Průvodce neklidným územím (nominations)
Zlatá stuha – 2019 A jako Antarktida, 2014 Hlava v hlavě, 2009 Ticho Hrocha
Cena Muriel – 2020 Singl

residence and symposium
2017 XXIV. Mikulov art symposium 
2015 BAF – Budapest Art Factory, Hungary
2014 das weisse haus studio, Vienna, Austria
2014 Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Český Krumlov
2012  Artist in residence, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, Austria
2012 residence at ZKU Berlin, Germany
2011 residence Futura gallery, New York, US

exhibitions – individual
Head in head / David Böhm and Ondřej Buddeus / Sladovna gallery Písek
Fabulant / Prague City Gallery House of Photography / Prague
Incubator of transience / Poster 44 / Prague
Nic není problém, společně s Vladimírem 518 / 8smička / Humpolec
A Dog the Size of a Cat together with Tomáš Roubal / City gallery Týn nad Vltavou
Who tells whom about what / Czech centrum London / London
Angles morts / Bunkr Gallery / Most
Sphere of influence / Luxfer Gallery / Česká Skalice
Nowhere Nothing, Somewhere Something / Czech centrum Sofia / Bulgaria
NOTHING – David Böhm / Luxfer Gallery / Česká Skalice
Subject of Our Talks / Motol hospital / Prague
Something for Something / XY Gallery / Olomouc
Xantofobie / GaP / Znojmo
Vykladači světa / Villa Pellé / Prague
Pseudo-Sleep / Nevan Contempo / Prague
See, see, see, together with curator Eva Kotlárikova / Zvolen Castle, Slovak National Gallery / Zvolen, Slovakia
Meeting / Krásný Dvůr Castle 2019
I SEE YOU / Joey Ramone / Rotterdam
Foreigner / Czech centrum Berlin / Berlin
No one’s going to laugh! / Kunsthalle Bratislava / Bratislava
In Front – Behind – Through – Inside / A Collection Seen Differently / Gallery of Modern Art Roudnice nad Labem
Victory factory / Klamovka Gallery / Prague
Behind Pictures / Moravian Gallery in Brno /Brno
Blind man’s dream / Fait gallery / Brno
The view from the shadow / Hraničář gallery / Ústí and Labem 
If a Street Where Time and I Would Stand at the End of the Street / City gallery Liberec
NO / Budapest Art Factory / Budapest
Half of carp, woman in yellow, taproom and flowers / City gallery Cheb
?! / Nevan Contempo / Prague
Small Town, Big Mystery / SODA Gallery / Bratislava

Making of / Jiri Svesta Berlin
Sisyfos / ProLuka / Prague
Survival only the humorous / gallery Třinec / Třinec
Epicentrum / gallery Blansko / Blansko
David Böhm -100 weeks / Jiri Svestka gallery / Prague
Copy of reality / Nitranská galéria, Nitra / Slovakia
Between the beginning and the end / Fokus cafe, Ústí nad Labem
David Böhm – Every day is World’s exhibition /  gallery and bookshop Baobab, Tábor
Jiří Franta together with Jana Kochánková – Tia / Fotograf gallery / Prague
Echolog / Jiri Svestka gallery / Prague
Echolog, together with Jiri Franta / Jiri Svestka gallery / Berlin
David Böhm together with Alena Kotzmannova – Whale Has Heart Big As Size Of A Car / Fotograf gallery / Prague
View from above – nearly nothing is complete / church of st Antonín Paduánský / Sokolov
Murale festival Kregi sztuki / gallery Szara / Ciszyn, Poland
Jiří Franta – Yesterday it was too late / gallery klub Final / Prague
Nearly nothing is complete / Karlin Sudios / Prague
Vedlejší efekt /  207 gallery AAAD / Prague
The real vision, not to remember the future / gallery Sokolovska 26 / Ostrava
Vedlejší efekt / gallery Cella / Opava
David Böhm – Rizky, Formát 1 / Langhans gallery / Prague
What would you say if you could / Fresh air gallery / Pilsen
Untitled, untitled / cafe Unicorn / Klatovy
Out of nowhere / gallery G99 / Brno
Possibilities are great reasons are few / gallery Půda / Jihlava
David Böhm – Somewhere else like a guest in show Alena Kotzmannová / atelier Josefa Sudka / Prague
Call all artist – wooloo festival / Berlin, Germany
Easy givennes / Gallery Austrian culture center Prague / Prague
+ / space of ex petrol station Slaný
Eltit / gallery 35M2 / Prague
David Böhm – Leatherette / gallery Dole / Ostrava
Epilogue / Nabrezi gallery / Prague
David Böhm – Get Rich or Die / gallery Eskort / Brno
David Böhm – I have drawn it in order to have drawn it / information board of artgroup BJ, Komunardů street / Prague
Without title (neast box) / window gallery NOD / Prague
It is not, what it could be / gallery NOD / Prague
Jiří Franta – extension of the battlefield / gallery Eskort / Brno
David Böhm – One man show / galerie A.M.180 / Prague
David Böhm – mám tě / gallery ETC. / Prague
Jiří Franta together with Petr Motejzík – 24 / Preproduction space / Berlin
David Böhm – Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe autour de moi / Institut francais de prague / Prague
Jiří Franta – Source / galerie A.M.180 / Prague

exhibitions – group
Book is ART / Prague Castle — Queen Anne’s Summer Palace / Prague
ČESKÁ KRESBA DNES / curator Ondřej Chrobák / City Gallery Týn nad Vltavou
Beyond Paper Plane: The Extraordinary Czech Illustrated Books for Children / curator Emma Hanzlíková / Czech Centre Tokyo / Japan
Museum of Children’s Books and Art HYUNDAI v Soulu / South Korea
Virus Diary / Kulturwerkstat Norimberk Germany
Mill Island / Gampa Pardubice
Everything is Everyone’s, 4+4 days in Motion festival / Prague
PREČO(UME)NIE? / Slovenská národná Galéria
PRO (Č) UMĚNÍ? / galerie Atrium / Prgue
Ruka na konci ramene (spolu) práce v českém a sloveském umění / Východosloveská galerie / Košice
Occupy #3 – Networks /  Consulate General of Greece in New York
Dark Night of the Soul / The Vysočina Regional Gallery / Jihlava

Oskar Kokoschka and close faces / Regional Gallery Liberec
Hand at the End of an Arm / 8smička / Humpolec
Concepts of mirroring / Gallery of Modern Art Roudnice nad Labem
Brave New Normal / Kurzor Gallery / Prague

Diario del Virus / ABM Confecciones Madrid
Where are the Lions? / Ubi sunt leones? / Meetfactory / Prague
Archipelago / Bludný kámen Gallery / Opava
Z karantény 2020 / Kobka 17 / Prague
Palestra 20 / New Town Hall / Prague

RE_SHAPED / Invalidovna / Prague
Penetrace / Pragovka Gallery
The Audience Has Award / Tic gallery / Brno
Two Heads, Four Hands / 8smička / Humpolec
V4 Art Connects: structures /Illusions / Interactions /Budavári Mikve / Budapest
Odcizení podle slovníku / Galerie Emila Filly / Ústí nad Labem
Temporary Storeroom – Drawing: Case Study 2 (Czech-Polish version) / Plato gallery / Ostrava

Czech Land’s Last Beaver: classified realities / festival Tabook / Tábor
Full contact / New Town Hall / Prague
Ani den bez čárky / The Vysočina Regional Gallery / Jihlava
symposium  2017 / castle Mikulov
EDITION 2016 / SODA Gallery / Bratislava
Umění je jen jedno / DUP 36 / Prague
Jižní Město: od utopie k realitě / Chodovska tvrz / Prague
About sport / City gallery Pardubice
Movere / The Brno House of Art / Brno
Orbis Pictus / Regional Art Gallery in Zlin / Zlín
Shaped canvas / galerie NTK / Prague
Tenderness / Hauch gallery / Prague
Teserakt / AMU Gallery / Prague
how don’t want anything , 4+4 days festival / Prague

CZXSK / Galerie Gagarinka / Bratislava 
Czech – Poland stars / Miroslav Kubik gallery  / Litomyšl
RESET 2015 XI. Trienále malého objektu a kresby / Jozef Kollár Gallery / Banská Štiavnica Slovakia
Akce reakce / Artatak Gallery / Prague

Před pikolou za pikolou / Fait Gallery  / Brno
Who is the director?, 4+4 days festival / Prague
9th International Biennial of Drawing Pilsen 2014 / The Gallery of the City of Pilsen
The Dark Side Of The Night / 10th edition Plovdiv Night 2014 / Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Vy troubo! Pro Jiřího Koláře / Gallery Cella / Opava
Osada / Gallery Trafačka / Praha
Paper obsessed +2 / Galerie Dvorak Sec / Prague
Tutti frutti / festival of contemporary art / Bratislava
Lustr / Page 5,  Art Salon S / Microna, Prague
Nulla dies sine linea / Emil Filla gallery / Ústí nad Labem
Darker than black / Soda gallery / Modra / Bratislava
The Best / Zoya Museum /Modra / Slovakia
Endoambivalenz Christmas – Plastikové Vánoce / Kwadrat / Berlin
Endoambivalenz Christmas – Plastikové Vánoce / Berlinskej Model / Prague
Problem is here, 4+4 days festival / Prague
Based on paper / Jiri Svestka gallery / Berlin
11 Worlds / The City of Prague Museum / Prague
Jindřich Chalupecký award final 12 / The Brno House of Art, The House of the lords of Kunstat / Brno
6th Zlín Youth Salon / Zlín House of Arts / Zlín
From different corners / Plattform für junge kunst, Bäckerstrasse 4 / Vienna, Austria
At 307: Желю Желев / Emil Filla gallery / Ústí nad Labem
Prison: no limits for art / Moravian gallery in Brno / Brno
Prison: no limits for art / DOX / Prague
From different corners / Gallery Bart kunst in huis / Amsterdam, Holland
Nau gallery / ABF gallery / Prague
El mar por el que todos navegamos / Circulo de Bellas Artes de Tenerife / Tenerife, Spain
From different corners / Artversum gallery, Düsseldorf / Germany
El mar por elque todos navegamos / Chodovska tvrz / Prague
Sketch book / ETC gallery / Prague
NY / Prague 6 / Bohemian National Hall New York / New York, US
Art fair / Gask / Kutná Hora
4+4 days festival / Prague
Jindřich Chalupecký award final 10 / DOX / Prague
Biennial of young artist / Stribrei Palace / Bucharest, Romania
Action Zet / Emil Filla gallery / Ústí nad Labem
After velvet / City Gallery Prague / Prague
Jindřich Chalupecký award final 09 / DOX / Prague
Ribba (30×40) / Gallery Kabinet / Brno
Untitled Subvision kunst festival / Hamburg, Germany
Diplomanti AVU 2009 / Veletržní palace / Prague
Aktualizacia II / curator David Korecký / Mesiac fotografii w Krakowie / Cracow, Poland
Prize of art critics 2009 for expanded paintings / gallery Kritiku / Prague
Intro 518 teď 69 teď * teď 180 bonus q track! / Karlin studio / Prague
4+4 days festival / Prague
Artprague festival / Prague
Dočasný důkaz /pavilón E flóra / Olomouc
Czech Cubism / City Gallery Prague / Prague
Intercity Berlin Praha 05 graphics – drawing / Berlin / Germany
Ctihodná periferie / gallery Slávie / Nachod
Avu 18 / Veletržní palace / Praha
Gross domestic product 2 / gallery Mars / Moscow / Russia
žvýkačka ambra / gallery AVU/ Prague
The Collective Body / gallery Califia / Horažďovice
Intercity Berlin Praha 05 graphics – drawing / Mánes / Prague
CZECH POINT / c2c Gallery / Prague
Office art / c2c Gallery / Prague
Contemporary Czech Art / Kreslling Gallery / Bratislava
Art in box / Budapest / Hungary
Needed / gallery stanica / Žilina, Slovakia
Gross domestic product /City Gallery Prague / Prague
Kokolia a druhá grafika / allery Šternberk / Šternberk
Acne / gallery Rudolfinum / Prague
Sell me buy me / gallery u dobrého pastýře / Brno
Proces / hala č 40 holešovická tržnice / Prague
Shadows of humor / gallery Bielska BWA / Bialsko Biala, Poland
Konec školního roku / gallery NOD / Prague
A Galina da vizinha é melhor que a minha / gallery 555 / Porto, Portugal
Výstava ateliéru kresby Pedro Maia FBAUP / museum v FBAUP / Porto, Portugal
Že je to opravdu strašné, ale ještě horší / gallery AVU / Prague
Kontaktní místa / holešovická tržnice / Prague
Hudební bonus / gallery Šternberk / Šternberk
Velký bazar / la fabrika / Prague

Slovak National Gallery
City Gallery Prague /CZE
Moravian gallery in Brno /CZE
Olomouc Museum of Art / CZE
Fait Gallery / CZE
Galerie moderního umění Roudnice nad Labem / CZE
The Regional Art Gallery in Liberec / CZE
Adam Gallery / CZE
Marek Collection / CZE
private collection in Czech Rep., Germany and Spain

books (selected)
ADHD, David Böhm, Jiří Franta, texts: Karel Veselý, Pavel Švec, Nevan Contempo, 2019
A wie Antarktis, David Böhm, Karl Rauch Verlag, Germany 2019
BombaFunk, Karel Veselý David Böhm Jiří Franta, publisher  BiggBoss 2017
Průvodce neklidným územím, Ondřej Horák, David Böhm Jiří Franta, publisher  Labyrint 2016
Jak se dělá galerie, David Böhm, Ondřej Chrobák, Rostislav Koryčánek, Martin vaňek, publisher  Moravská galerie 2016
Mně 40 Manuál pro milovníky současného umění, Ondřej Chrobák, David Böhm Jiří Franta, publisher  MG +Tranzit + Art+Antik 2015
Co by sis přál – Jiří Kolář, Petr Šrámek David Böhm, publisher  Albatros 2014
Proč obrazy nepotřebují názvy, Jiří Franta Ondřej Horák, publisher  Labyrint 2014
Hlava v hlavě, David Böhm společně s Ondřejem Buddeusem, publisher  Labyrint 2013
Plechová mína, Pavel Hrnčíř David Böhm, publisher  Meander 2012
Nulla dies sine linea, David Böhm Jiří Franta, publisher BiggBoss 2012
Ticho Hrocha, David Böhm, publisher Labyrint 2009

realization (selected)
2018 time line drawing “100 years” in Czech centrum Paris 
2016 didactic drawings for schools in Bozoum / Central African Republic
2015 instalation “Withnes” for cinema Ponrepo / Prague
2012 exposure fro National Museum of Agriculture / Prague
2011 director office of Czech center New York / US
2010 time axis / GASK Kutná Hora
2009 visual for gallery bus / GASK Kutná Hora
 Sovovy Mlýny restaurant / Prague

catalogues (selected)
Outside the gallery! / Art in Czech public space after 1989 / Klára Pučerová, Petr Kratochvíl, Dan Merta, Petra Vlachynská (eds.) / Jaroslav Fragner gallery 2022
Two Heads, Four Hands / 8smička / Humpolec 2018
Jiří Franta & David Böhm A Collection Seen Differently In Front – Behind – Through – Inside / Gallery of Modern Art Roudnice nad Labem 2018
The path might be wider than longer / Town of Mikulov & Kant 2017
Postkonceptuální přesahy v české kresbě / post-conceptual Overlaps of Czech Drawings / ed. Lenka Sýkorová / FUD Ústí n.Labem 2015 
Mezera – mladé umění v Česku / Lenka Lindaurová and col. / spol. Jindřicha Chalupeckého 2014
Magazine X about contemporary drawing  / Slovakia 2013
Umění spolupráce / Jan Zálešák / VVP AVU 2012 
Maľba v kontextoch kontexty maľby / Jana Geržová (ed.) / Slovart 2012
Jindřich Chalupecký award final 12 / Prague 2012
Prison: no limits for art / DOX / Prague 2011
Action Zet / Emil Filla gallery, Ústí nad Labem 2010
Jindřich Chalupecký award final 10 / Prague 2010
Police the police, Biennial of young artist  / Bucharest 2010
After velvet, GHMP / Prague 2009
Jindřich Chalupecký award final 09 / Prague 2009
Krajiny malby, galerie Fiducia / 2009 Ostrava
Subvision kunst festival Hamburg / Hamburg 2009
Intercity Berlin Praha, Manes gallery / Prague 2007
It is not, what it could be / text Tomáš Pospiszyl / Prague 2006